Have you heard of 401(k) Day? It’s a time for promoting the popular 410(k) retirement plan and the importance of setting aside for the future while you are working.

  • Default investments
  • Consider all you options
  • Permission to change your mind

See this month’s issue of Let’s Talk Money, these tips may give you a better retirement outlook.

• Get an A+ in $chool $hopping

Back-to-school spending is huge. How huge? The only “spending season” that’s bigger is the December holiday season. For the 2014-2015 season, December spending was $616.1 billion. For the same period, spending on school-related items totaled $74.9 billion. Spending on Mother’s Day came in at $19.9 billion and Valentine’s Day at $18.9 billion.

• Life Insurance – Who Needs It?

People who say they don’t need life insurance may be absolutely right. They don’t, but their loved ones are another matter! Finding excuses for not buying a policy is easy. But life may not be so easy for your family if you fail to take steps to preserve their financial security.

• Q&A Let’s Talk Retirement
All this and more in this issue of Let’s Talk Money…

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to read this issue of
“Let’s Talk Money”