Are you one of those people who dreams of retiring early? Or would you rather push off retirement as long as you can? Unfortunately, the decision to retire early isn’t always in your hands. If you lose your job or become ill, your retirement date can come sooner than you had hoped for. Whether you want to or have to, taking the following steps can help you prepare for the possibility of an early retirement.

  • Start investing now
  • Curb your spending
  • Pay down debt
  • Continue to save

See this month’s issue of Let’s Talk Money, these tips may give you a better retirement outlook.

• Money Smarts- Financial Lessons for Your Kids

A new school year means new teachers and new subjects for your children. But there’s one important subject your kids may need to learn about from you -money management. According to a recent study of college students, *the aspect of college life they felt least prepared to manage was their money. Teaching your kids the basics of money management may provide them with valuable skills that will help them in college and in the future.

• The Social Security Starting Line

Ready, set…wait?
As you make plans for your retirement years, you’ll need to decide when to start receiving your Social Security benefits. Early, at your full retirement age or later? The right time for you depends on your personal and financial situations.

• Make Healthy Moves Now

Do you normally wait until the end of the year to review your health benefits? By then, time is running out and you’re probably busy with the holidays. Instead of waiting, you may be better off doing it now.

• Q&A Let’s Talk Retirement
All this and more in this issue of Let’s Talk Money…

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to read this issue of
“Let’s Talk Money”